Tuesday, February 24, 2009

On the Dusty Road

In the Bible study I am a part of based on John Piper's book Don't Waste Your Life, we talked about something last night that has crossed my mind many times the past year. Tonight, in the floor Bible study I lead we are tackling 1 Corinthians 1...also relating to what's been on my mind lately.

The issues of suffering and pain for Jesus has been coming up lately in my mind. We are called by Jesus himself to pick up our crosses and follow him. What does it mean to suffer for Christ, to die for him?? In order to live a life that is completely sold out for Christ do we need to say goodbye to comforts, safety, and pleasure? Is it possible to not waste your life if you don't do something radical for Jesus? I do not think that this is necessarily the case. There are people in our world who do lose their lives in the name of Jesus. That's a fact. However, I do not believe that every Christian who is a sold-out believer in the power of Jesus is destined to die a martyr's death. I know plenty of people who lived unwasted lives who did not die a martyr's death.

I look at my grandmother first of all. She passed away from complications from diabetes almost nine years ago already. A disease killed her, not a sword or other forms of persecution, but did she live a wasted life?? I find it hard to believe that she lived a wasted moment, let alone a wasted life. From growing up in hard times, to raising 5 God-fearing children, including my mom, to constantly showing Christ's love to us grandkids, this woman lived for Jesus and did not waste her life.

So we've established that one does not need to die a martyr's death to live an unwasted life. What was it that made my grandma and people like her not to live a wasted life. The answer I believe lies in the idea of daily dying to self. Perhaps this is somewhat of what Christ is saying when he says to pick up our crosses. This doesn't involve a literal picking up of a cross, it involves saying no to our selfish desires and putting God's first. It involves putting the cross of Christ at the center of our life...daily taking a trip down the dusty road of Calvary where we put our sins, our desires of the flesh at the foot of the cross. It is when we do this, we consciously put to death our own selfish desires that we really live. When Christ becomes the center of our life we are able to live lives that will bring him Glory!

May we never forget the power of Jesus Christ and what he accomplished on that dusty road to Calvary and then on the cross itself. Moreso, let us not forget what he accomplished by his resurrection and conquering of death. May all of our lives be living examples of what this means to us and bring glory to Him!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

POWER!....without steroids

Been a super busy couple of weeks. Classes are hard, I'm not getting enough studying in for the MCAT, RA activities are great but time-consuming, I took a post as a DJ for the campus radio station....the list goes on!

With all of these activities and some other volunteering thrown on top my life seems to get out of control in a hurry. I personally am one of those people who likes to be busy, sitting around wasting time is not for me (*note, i do enjoy sitting around doing nothing and relaxing at times, not a waste of time at all)...but sometimes in the midst of all the business I get overwhelmed.

This past week I have been really reflecting on the power of Christ. It seems such a trivial thing for a Christian to talk about...no duh we think Christ is legit, we are CHRISTians after all right?

Something interesting happened this week. On Tuesday nights I volunteer with a group called Halo (it's a bible study we have at the VoA in town for troubled and substance abuse teenagers). It's really random because the head of it is my best friend's brother, my nearly life long neighbor, and role model growing up...but anyways, back to the story. We played a game with the kids and then watched some videos about a guy interviewing people about what happens after death. We broke up into small groups and Aaron and I led a group of young guys. What was so interesting for me was that while we talked everyone was willing to participate in "God talk"...as long as we were talking about "God/god" everything was fine, but when we mentioned Jesus Christ, three of the guys instantly started fidgeting, looking out the window, trying to get everyone else's attention off of us leaders who were basically sharing the Gospel. It was almost as if we were in the midst of the battle described by Paul in Ephesians 6.

All of this has really prompted me to investigate the power of Christ in my life. First of all I shouldn't have been surprised by the response of the boys. 1 corinthians 1 says something of the order that the message of the cross is foolishness to those who do not believe. It is almost as if the name of Christ is offensive to those who don't believe. Nearly all people seem willing to at least entertain the idea of a god but when Christ comes up something changes. Suddenly the rules have changed. Why is this?? I think it has much to do with the fact that in order to accept Christ as our Lord, we need to accept that we are failures. We fail to live up to the standards that God has set forth for us because of sin and evil. The problem is that so many people have the feeling that living "good lives" is all that's necessary to earn a spot in heaven. What a tradgedy if all there is to getting to heaven is living a good life. Think of how much we would miss as Christians.

You see as Christians it is not all about living the "good life" with God. So many Christians I have read about and know have not had good lifes in our worldly standards. Maybe it was a ravaging disease, a sudden death of a loved one, tough circumstances, whatever...following Christ doesn't guarantee one "riches". However, ask any Christian..."Is it worth it?" every single one will say yes. Why? There is absolutely nothing that compares with having a personal relationship with the creator of the universe. If all we had to do was live good lives, help others,etc...to get into heaven we would be missing out on the best part of life here on Earth.

To sum all of this together we must acknowledge in the mighty power of Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate source of hapiness and encouragement. He has the power to save anyone and if we as Christians are willing to accept this free gift from Him and share it with others we can bring further glory to him. Beware though, this will not be easy...sharing about someone who offends what those of the world hold dear will be sure to ruffle some feathers.

Live offensively.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


What a full couple of days...

Brett Favre officially retired...again. I, along with many Packer fans I'm sure, refuse to acknowledge that Brett did not end his career with the Pack. Let's have a selective memory..I decide not to remember that Brett, my all-time favorite player, decided to attempt to tarnish his legacy by coming back to a 4-12 team and turning it into a 9-7 powerhouse. Agree to forget, ok, good. :)

He still is my all-time favorite player...although the Pack have this new guy Aaron Rodgers that I was impressed with and have become a big fan of.

I decided to become a DJ for the campus radio station, anyone can listen to me on Fridays from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. Weird time, but hey, it works in my crazy schedule. Not only will it give me another activity for my med school app, but it might turn out to be a good time!

I had my floor Bible study last night and we discussed Ephesians 6. This is definitely one of the greatest "manly" (as we so eloquently put it last night) passages of the Bible. Nothing like some swords, armor, and flaming arrows to get the testosterone pumping! It made me seriously think about the battle we all face with Satan and how exactly we can defeat him with Christ.

The past year and a half or so has been very challenging for me spiritually. Some circumstances have made it a tough year, mainly a mission trip that I led that turned into one of the most challenging and hurtful times of my life. I was co-leading with a former best friend. Things turned south between us during the trip based on his behavior. Being betrayed by a friend is tough stuff, but God has led me through it. Through it I have learned the tough lesson of what bitterness can do to one's soul. For so long I wanted to make this individual pay for what he did to me over there, to make him feel an ounce of what he made me feel by betraying me. This led to increasing resentment and lack of ability to trust others who began to get close to me. Let me speak to anyone and everyone. Bitterness, resentment, and revenge are NOT acceptable ways to deal with disappointment and hurt...they lead to more hurt and a callousing over of the heart.

In part because of this and because of my general leanings towards letting earthly goals overtake heavenly goals, I have slowly slid away from the close relationship I had with God during high school and my early college years. It has all been the result of Satan's attacks on me, just like the ones Paul talks about in Ephesians 6.

Tonight, I happily announce that through putting on the armor of God and finding the ability to forgive, I feel as though I am back on the road towards freedom in Christ. It has been a process and at times I slide back into the same old habits (anger, swearing, bitterness), but for the first time in about a year I feel as though I am thwarting Satan's advances on my relationship with God. I envision it as myself in a quicksand of sin, resentment, and overall muck being pulled down, only to have Christ's nail pierced hand reach down and grab my outstretched arm. Slowly but surely he is pulling me out of the muck, don't get me wrong it is a painful process, the resentment and bitterness has been a part of my life for nearly a year, but Christ continues to slowly pull me out of the quicksand. Much to my knowledge his hand has always been there, waiting for me to grasp it...praise God that I have finally reached for it.

I'm not sure if the person I talked about it will ever read this post. If you are, and you figured out that it is you I am writing about I want you to know that I am sorry. I am sorry that I have held anger and bitterness in my heart towards you and that I have wished suffering upon you. I forgive you for everything that has happened between us, and while I am unsure if we can ever be the friends we were, I want you to know that I no longer hold the bitterness towards you. May God Bless you and the anyone else reading this entry!

Monday, February 9, 2009

We Hold These Truths....

I'm in a Bible Study here at college and we are discussing John Piper's book, Don't Waste Your Life. Each week we take a look at a new chapter of Piper's book. The central thesis of the book is that we need to break the mold of living to please ourselves and step out into living our lives solely for the purpose of glorifying God.

Tonight we talked about objectivity some. Piper brought up the importance of taking an author's text for what he or she originally meant it to be. This was obviously applied to the Bible. Our group discussed the errors that can arise when the Bible becomes a book that is custom fit to an individual. One group member said something to the fact that there is no such thing as an interpretation of the Bible, we must hold it to be exactly what the original author intended.

This prompted me to ask the question, "What about denominations...there are certain things that we as a church hold to be non-negotiables (Christ is our Savior and Lord, etc.) and certain things that seem to have wiggle room such as baptism, communion, etc. Each denomination looks at the same Bible and gleans different meaning about these negotiables. Who is right I asked??

When I was in high school, my youth pastor used the negotiables vs. non-negotiables argument. To this day, it is the one I hold to. See in my mind, there are certain issues in Scripture that are discussed that I believe are ok to be left up to interpretation, the negotiables of faith. I refuse to believe that any denomination that believes Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior will be missing the boat (yeah, that includes Catholics too). It is because Protestant and Catholicism recognize the holiness of Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross that they are going to be saved, they agree on the non-negotiables. This does away with the arguments about other cults, or quasi-religions. They mess with the non-negotiables.

The question then comes up how do you decide what are the negotiables. Well, reader, that is if there are any readers except Taya and Sam :) yay for you guys!...it is something I am working on. I believe that non-negotiables are tied in with salvation. Not believing Christ is the way to heaven directly opposes the central theme of Christianity and would lead to a person's damnation. This makes Jesus's status as God and Savior unquestionable. However, if I decide to be baptised as an adult, have my child baptized as an infant, or not baptized at all, I do not believe my or my child's salvation is in jeopardy. Likewise with how I take communion, they don't take away my salvation. Now, I'm not saying they aren't important, but I am saying they are not the give all end all to our faith.

More to come on this later I'm sure.

In other news, I watched a bit of the President's remarks on television today. Regardless of how you feel about the man personally, I feel as though he will be the leader our nation leads. Whether his policies are what our nation needs or not will be decided by our children, not us, but I do feel as though he has the leadership qualities our nation needs during these tough times.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Continually Humbled

Let me begin this post by stating the obvious...I screw up a lot!

That being said...this weekend I was reminded of my need for a Savior. My temper has always been something that has been a problem for me. This weekend I lost my cool on my girlfriend via the phone. Thanks to the Lord for an understanding girlfriend...she is awesome!! Supa cool.

The whole situation really reminded me of my fallen state as a human being. The past week or so I had begun to start to think everything in my life was realigning. Then, I blow it again. Maybe it is for the better, when I get on a "hot streak" I often begin to think that I am the man. Screwing up points me right to God again.

The pastor's message today was really fitting. He is doing a series on the Gospel's core. Today was basically about the fact that God completely forgives. I began to think about how difficult it is for me to accept this forgiveness. Often after I screw up I am so determined that God needs to punish me, I am awful...that I completely miss grace. It's almost like God is sitting there smiling at me while I sit cowering awaiting my punishment. How far off I am...God completely forgives me thanks to the blood of Christ. I forever sing the praises of Jesus, my Savior. How humbling it is that no matter how awful I am, I can not make God love me any less.

The challenge is to impart this message to others. No matter what you've done God loves you and genuinely wants to forgive. Let's take a minute to humble ourselves and realize how much we need Jesus in our lives. Thanks be to him for what he does for us!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Broken but Fixable

As I sit here I reflect on the current state of our society. So much emphasis is placed on the broken nature of everything. The glass is always half empty. Things will always get worse before they get better and when they do get better they wont be as good as before.

Such thinking is so prevalent around me and I find myself getting sucked into it at times too. I once had a friend who simply attributed every wrong thing in the world to another sign that the times described in the book of Revelation were upon us. This individual is no longer a friend for reasons outside of this, but i find his thinking somewhat problematic. Forgive me for not knowing, but there is a verse in the Bible which speaks to the dangers of knowing exactly when Christ will return. We don't really have a clue. If signs point to the end of the world, fine...but I will refuse to believe things will continue getting worse and worse until I see Christ return and set up shop. I think of how easy it would me to become apathetic towards my faith and improving the world. If there's no hope for a better world, then why try??

I pray that I never get that attitude. May every day of my life be one in which I can say that the world is that much closer to being a better place. With God all things are possible. I dare to say that issues such as hunger and poverty will meet their end in my lifetime. No longer will people be treated as less than people in any part of the world. People everywhere will be able to access affordable health care. The overall attitude of competition and hate will be shifted to a new attitude of unity and love. With a group of people believing this and empowered by the Holy Spirit we WILL see this happen. God will open the hearts of people around the world. We must believe this!

As I see the shattered status of our world, I also can see the similar brokenness in my own life. How often I stray from the path leading me to Christ's cross and his plans for my life. I, like our world, need to be fixed. The only answer for everything discussed here is Christ's blood. By it I am redeemed, and by it the world can be redeemed. May I be forgiven for the times where I neglect this fact.

Definitely will be an interesting couple of weeks politic wise. Will have to wait and see what happens with this gigantic bill. Here's my main problem with it. It is a 900 billion dollar bill!! A site I was looking at said that the world's water problem could be solved for 10 billion dollars! What the heck?!?! With all of the pork that is in this bill we couldn't spare 10 billion to solve one of the world's biggest killers, lack of clean drinking water? This is a true shame if we spend so much on our own country yet forget those in need around the world. I agree that we need to have something like this to jumpstart our economy, but for goodness sakes if you are going to put a load of needless projects in on the bill at least put money in it to help those around the world. We will see what happens!