Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not the one I want!!

So, It's been awhile since I blogged on here. To be honest, school has been roasting me lately. I'm doing alright but I seem to have a mongo test every other day. Officially...I am burnt out. At least there are only like 2 and half weeks left to go. Here's hoping they go well and quickly!!

I decided to start reading some Old Testament lately. I was doing some thinking and realized that most of my devotion time is always spent in the New Testament. I think it is soo good to read about Christ and how He kicked it with his disciples. Solid stuff. However, I think it is dangerous to forget there is another part of the Bible. So...I decided to randomly pick a book and I picked Jeremiah.

I am on chapter nine right now, but a couple of my favorite parts to date. I love the first chapter. God gives Jeremiah encouragement and lays the call on his life. "Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms" ...Jeremiah 1:10. What a daunting calling. Yet, it is my belief that this is our calling as Christians. Now, I don't think this means everyone is meant to go overseas, stage a coup and reak havoc....haha...I think it means that we are supposed to take on everything in our world to bring it closer to God. May every knee bow before him. In order for this to happen, we need people who are willing to stand up to nations and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. The way I see it (got this from John Piper's book) are either a goer...a sender...or you are just disobedient.

Perhaps the heaviest hiting passage I've read so far...(there are plenty...apparently Israel had some issues with following God :P ) comes in Jeremiah 6: 16-17. Here God calls Israel back to the godly path. He goes so far as to say..."you will find rest for your souls". Israel's response..."No!, that's not the road I want!". Think about this....the creator of the universe is offering peace and comfort for your soul if you follow him and you say no, not for me. Seems silly when you sit back and think about it.

However, how often do I do that myself?? Almost daily! Often I find it easy to ignore God and try to do things MY way. His way is not the one I want some days. How foolish of me! His way leads to true comfort, mine usually leads to frustration and dissapointment. Lately, I've really been praying that God give me the desire and the humbleness to trust Him at all times. With all the nervousness I have regarding what will happen with medical school, it is vital that I put all my trust in Him. Here's hoping it goes well!

Yeah, I officially enjoy watching the hypocrisy of the media. I watched a special last night where they completely ravaged President Obama's speaking ability...their argument...they showed bloopers he has had in press conferences. President Bush was so often ridiculed for his speeches. Fox News finds this ridiculous...Obama is worse than Bush and yet no one makes fun of him.

Here's what makes me smile. Back when everyone was making fun of Bush....conservatives cried out against the liberals making fun of his speech. Now that the tables are turned they are doing the same things! Don't get me wrong both sides are ridiculously hypocritical in the media, but this made me smile.

For the record...if I had to give a speech everyday of my life I probably would sound like a doofus too!

Take care friends!

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